Monday 21 May 2012


Indesign demo
Using Indesign helps people to format there presentations better and more formal.
Here I've shown what kind of tools are used in Indesign such as the text tool, the place tool and the options of different font and characters in a wider range than something like Photoshop.

 Here I've shown the fill colour tool can do to make presentations look less boring and more eccentric.
To place file all you have to do is go to File > Place and choose the image you want then click on what page you wish to place it on.

Olympic advert

Olympic Advert.

This is a mood board of different styles of hats sport related and non sport related hats, to give me an idea of what styles there are around the world to use in my Olympic logo. I'm thinking of doing the Olympic rings with different styles of headgear used in the Olympics with the flags behind each of then showing where each sport originated from.

This is my final design using Photoshop. I have just simply added colour related headgear from the sports of the Olympics and added the flags of which they were originated from in the background behind the residing ring. The slogan I thought of because I needed to include the viewers so I used that question. Even though it isn't that related with cultural diversity I
tried to show all countries are involved.
This is our groups Presentation.

Monday 23 April 2012

Lo2.Know how to generate ideas

This is a mind map of our generated ideas showing what we considered to include in our final presentation and our final posters. We are taking ideas from each USP we have thought of and trying to include them as well with our final poster.

These are the USP's we chose to research into I was assigned to research Electricity.

Electricity is a source of power we use in everyday life all the time, it can be from a microwave to an aeroplane. Electricity visually is mostly shown with the look of forks of lightning and a lot of blue. There are many versions of electricity like electric charge, electric current, electric field etc. For my ad I want to concentrate on electric currents and sources of light because I want to express the electric side to the twizy car. The first invention of electric light was created by Thomas Edison, in 1879 he created the first light bulb using a lower current of electricity a small carbonised filament and a improved vacuum inside a globe. A lot of home owned products contain electricity such as:

Food & drink blenders
Sandwich makers
Food processors
Coffee machines
Electric whisks
Bread makers
Electric scales
Vacuum cleaners
Small electric heaters and fans
Coffee grinders

Electricity has also began to produce carbon dioxide and has made each of our "Carbon Footprints" larger by the amount of usage of electrical appliances and other thing that are supported by electric such as cars. Also light radiation has caused us to not be able to see stars at night which I could use in my poster.

Rough visuals, sketches.
Idea 1
This idea has the twizy car driving down a road and taking electricity form the lampposts and making stars in the sky.
Idea 2
This is idea show the Twizy car being plugged in to notify that it is electrical.

Idea 3
This is idea shows the Twizy car shining its lights on the petrol canisters to notify that it doesn't need petrol any more.

This is my final design I wanted to use lights in my poster so I chose my idea of "no need for petrol. I used a far amount of shadows and burn tool. To make the lights I used the polygonal tool  to create the shapes then edit fill the with a yellow colour and then turned down the opacity. I also wanted to include some stars in my ad to notify that the car is eco friendly by not cause light pollution.

This is the poster generated by one of my group members he wanted to grasp the fact of the twizy car being a bright new future and the dark symbolising a non eco friendly past.

This another poster created by one of my group members. This poster is to symbolise the USP "Earth's bright future" with the car on a field with the sun shining down on the car.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Concept fan

This is an attempt of creating a concept fan to learn how to sprout out new ideas for better results and more interesting and new ideas. Below I've made a concept on a single question "How to solve litter problem around college" this was produced in a group of three. Then I carried on to create a concept fan on how to get better at Photoshop.

Word association (L.O. > 2,3

For this project we are to choose 1 of each noun and adjective twice and then create characters from our choices using Photoshop.

I have chosen "Tiny Bells" and "Explosive Clown" , I used Photoshop to create my ideas.
 Side view sketch. Explosive clown.
Front view. Explosive clown.

Front View. Tiny Bells.

Side View. Tiny Bells

Bio - This is explosive clown was created in a lab to create the best clown ever for the circus but instead the subject was sabotaged by a mysterious man and the clowns inner flesh is coated with explosive substances and also the abilities to regenerate. When the clown is finished a brought into life he becomes out of control and blows up the entire lab causing chaos and noticeable noise and smoke for the public to see from miles. The clown finds places to hide from the public and when he wants to he goes on rampages and destroys huge buildings and cities plus killing many humans in the process. The clown is seen as psychotic but actually starts to gain feelings and emotions whilst calm but doesn't seem to know what to do or what he is.

Bio - These are tiny bells that can be acquired  buy the main character this game these tiny bells have been separated and need to be joined together again to create set of armour and sword and shield for the main character they are from a world full of bells set by there god Belliacus to help the main character achieve his goal they each have their own personality and act each act differently but when together they form as one being. Their voices are high pitch but when they are formed into the armour, sword and shield it has a voice and it is deeper and more manly than when they are split up

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Lo1. Understand how ideas and concepts inform art and design work

Web banners are used on websites to introduce the site and blend in with the website to make it look better.

DC shoes banner
This animated banner is from the shoe company DC. The logo is made for the DC Europe tour. I think the banner is good and simple with the logo becoming bigger and landing on the crowd and made to look like its being held by the crowd above their heads. I noticed it because it was advertised on a skateboard website and was made fairly big and noticeable with a sub-heading called advertisement. I also like how it evolves a crowd of people catching products of DC which is what they do at the end of a demo.

Lightwave Eleven banner
This banner uses a simple change of text in the middle and has the logo and name on the left and the main product on the right with a high detailed bug model. This banner uses a main colour of green and different shades. I chose this banner because i like the look of the bug model the amount of detail and colour really attracted me toward it. I also like the use of only three words on each text with main feature of the software and good use of font.
Half Cab Banner
This banner ad is about a personalised shoe from the company Vans. I chose this banner because I liked the animation it used, how it drew the skateboarder and the name half cab 20 years with a dark grainy background and then changed to a light white background with a skateboarder picture with a blue sky and the text of half cab 20 years changed to a larger black font. Also how the middle part was text then changed to the colour way shoe of the month with the date on the right.

Magazine Advertisement.
Ultra Thin Mac
The main magazine ads would appear on the back of the magazine on a 2 page cover to promote anything.
This magazine add is very clever and humorous. This is a great idea by promoting the thinness of the new mac and by putting in a magazine add to exaggerate the thinness is paper thin. Also the fact that the ad says nothing but mac book pro then in large letters ultra thin makes the ad be more noticeable, especially with the keyboard on the other side.

Pepsi Mini Cans
This magazine ad I liked a lot because it uses a good symbol of small by creating tiny ice cubes to hint at the fact you will need them for a tiny pepsi can which I found funny and clever. I thought the design was clever by having big hands snap some of the ice out for a better effect. The ad still has in a corner the Pepsi logo and the name of the product to keep the audience knowing what the ad is about and what the product is called and looks like.

Kayaking Jumbo Peanuts
This ad on the right I chose because I like
the joke they used that even elephants can choke on these large peanuts which is a great way to attract younger audiences as well. The artwork is brilliant and has a great use of lighting and shadows. Also put a hand holding a packet of the peanuts to show the audience what the product looks like.

T.V. adverts.
T.V adverts are one of the biggest ways to get a product or point across because almost everyone has a T.V and at some point will see the advert and if the advert gives a good impact the viewer will remember the advert and will remind him of the product a lot quicker than other ads.
Honda Advert.
This ad involves a normal man beginning a journey whilst singing a song called the impossible dream. Honda begins the advert by having the man start his journey on a small motor bike and each time the shot changes he is driving a different type of vehicle. It gives a great sense of what Honda has produced and how they've evolved through the years with the ending having a dramatic ending with the singing loud on a hot air balloon as a big finale. The main colours are red white and black to represent Honda's colours.

Barclay advert.
I chose this advert because I found to be a very good metaphor and have a good work of CGI, the advert is about how much simpler life can be if you choose Barclay's card, by showing a man coming home from work on a fun, exiting water slide all the way home, whilst pacing a superstore using his Barclay's card to advertise the card mid advert. I personally like this advert because i like the fact of how fun it could be to have a water slide as your transport home everyday it gets you exited and wanting to go on it which I guess can get people wanting to join there company. Plus the main colours of this ad are blue a white and black like the colours of Barclay's.

Cadburys Advert.
This is advert is about clothes having a dance of in the middle of the night in a clothes store. This advert has nothing to do with Cadburys but people will still remember this is Cadburys because this is what Cadburys do, they create viral videos that everyone will remember like the drumming gorilla ad they did. The advert itself it great and creative using inflated clothes and making them act realistic and as human as possible and kept it funny and lively.

This guerilla ad is a magazine packet ad for advertising a product to stop nail biting and the good thing about the ad is that there are handles between the teeth of the picture to make it look like it is biting the nails of the person with the bag which is very clever and relating to its product very well.

This guerilla ad is by jobsintown it shows what the worst possible outcome could be if you don't pick the right site to find jobs. The ad shows a man working inside a cash machine even though its only a poster it looks very real and can fool people walking past and make them think for a second about how bad jobs can be sometimes but this ad goes over the top which makes it funny.
This guerilla ad is advertising the new superman movie coming out so they have added a lamppost to popular streets and the lamppost aren't ordinary they have been tied in nots with an annotation that superman was here. This is a great way to get people wondering what happened and how, this gets them looking and then find out about the new superman movie. I like this ad the most because it seems that a lot of thought and preparation has gone into making these posts.

Emporio Armani Night ad.
This ad uses a large use of the colour red because the ad presents a couple which looks like they're in love I a sort of sexual pose. The woman also wears a red dress which could mean she's sensual or maybe even dangerous.The man is wearing black which could be to draw more attention to the woman and also the colours of the perfume cases are the same as the colour of the clothes and labelling what is for men and what's for women. Even the stairway has distinct colours of red and black along with the walls which are red with the woman's' shadow (black).